Let’s Build Something Together

Hire Me to come to your school or institution to help launch school-wide anti-bullying and legacy curriculums that give every student the opportunity to succeed.

30% of all personal revenue from speaking engagements go to the Open World Cause.

Presenting about starting a student legacy program in Clinton, Indiana.


Speaking Partners - Meet Shelby!

Past Speaking Engagements


Press Coverage

Non-Profit Spotlight

Janelle Rendon | September 20, 2018

There are so many great organizations out there making a real impact on our world, and many generous people wanting to give back. I think part of the struggle is narrowing down where to donate our resources when there are so many options! And unfortunately, I think it sometimes keeps us from taking any action at all. Today I want to highlight a non-profit I recently learned about….

A Day in the Life Curriculum

education.skype.com | 2019

  • Explore what education in a developing country looks like

  • Learn about students from other countries

  • Learn about cultural differences and similarities

Keynote Address

eRevolution Conference | August 2016

In August 2016, Ben Honeycutt delivered a keynote to the eRevoluton conference about how to create student legacy programs in schools and worked with students in a day long breakout session to brainstorm legacy projects.

Launching a Legacy Program in Monument, Colorado

This is KRDO’s story about how students in Monument, Colorado built a student legacy program to launch projects in their local and global communities.

The Story of the Open World Cause

On Open World Cause’s 10th year anniversary, this video celebrated how Ben’s high school legacy project transformed into a non-profit that helped fund the construction of schools in Nepal and Kenya.